I have hardly anything to live for. Every day was a struggle between suppressing my feelings and forgetting my past. I was crumbling into a dust and almost washed away when I lay on the shore. Maybe I was just waiting for the end.
Then I met you and you gave me a reason to remember how it was before everything went downhill. You gave me a new life, told me that I might be crazy when I asked it but my soul was still beautiful, you opened your arms to me while smiling. Saying stupid stuff you always did. Being your positive and breathtakingly gorgeous self. I saw the end but you told me I can always have a new beginning too. And I decided, that moment, that I'd give it a try as long as you stood by my side and was part of my new story.
Every day is still a struggle but you make those days more bearable. You replace the horrors of my past with new, happier memories. You give me strength to stand up, speak my mind and fucking try! Because of you I decided to stand up from that shore and struggle against whoever tried to make me turn into dust. People talk, I know that. They say things before they think. And me walking away alongside you and starting a new story where they don't belong to... it shakes them up because they didn't think I would do it. They didn't think I could. I didn't either.
I have hardly anything to lose so I'm ready to go. Wherever you are waiting for me, I'll run for you. I'll come. I have nothing to be afraid of so I'm ready to step into the unknown. It is scary but I don't fear. You make me brave and I love you.
Jossakin vaiheessa syksyä mulla oli järkyttävä ONE OK ROCK -vaihe. Rakastan yhä kyseistä bändiä ihan loputtomiin, ja etenkin tämä biisi on yks mun lemppareista. Sekä sanotusten että melodian takia. Puhumattakaan musiikkivideosta. Rakastan miten leadsinger vetää mukana sanotusten mukana. Koko bändi on ihana. Linkkasin tähän eng sub -version vain jotta jokainen voi ymmärtää sanojen merkityksen. Yritin saada ne menemään hyvin yksiin tuon pikkutarinan kanssa.
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