lauantai 31. joulukuuta 2011

Uusi vuosi jälleen kerran

Hyvää uutta vuotta 2012 jo näin etukäteen. :D Huomennahan se vasta alkaa, mutta joka tapauksessa tänään juhlitaan. Pitäisi mennä illalla kavereiden kanssa rakettejakin katselemaan, vaikka itse en niitä aio ampua. Jotenkin vaan tuntuu, että ne raketit tulee päälle x')

Joka tapauksessa ensivuodesta tuleekin vähän erilainen tähän vuoteen verrattuna. Ensinnäkin olisi tarkoitus suorittaa ensiesiintyminen cosplayasussa ja mitä luultavimmin Kikuconissa, jonka päätin ensimmäiseksi kohteekseni. Desuconiin aluksi halusin mennä, mutta tuon äidin kanssa keskusteleminen ei aina ole siitä helpoimmasta päästä. Se kuitenkin pidetään melko kaukana ja täytyisi majoittautua luultavasti omenahotelliin tuntemattomien kanssa. Ei se minua niinkään häiritsisi, mutta tiedättehän vanhemmat. Aina sanomassa vastaan kaikessa. Mutta Turkuun kyllä sitten taas pääsen, koska se on sen verran lähempänä, eikä bussimatka kestä pariatuntia kauempaa. Joten Kirsikankukkacon toukokuussa olisi tähtäimessä Tsuna-asun kanssa. ;)

Jos joku nyt lukee tätä tekstiä, niin olisi eräs kaunis kysymys: Mistä kannattaisi peruukin ostaa? Olen katsellut erilaisia nettikauppoja, mutta en oikein osaa sanoa niiden luotettavuudesta ja huutonetin peruukin ovat melkoisissa hinnoissa nekin. Eli kaikki neuvot ja apu olisi tarpeen.

Tämä kuva tuli piirrettyä eilen. Ciel Phantomhive, Kuroshitsuji.

Ensivuoteen on varmasti luvassa myös lisää koulunkäyntiä ja kidutusta =__= Yaaah... noh, suoritetaan tämä lukio kunnialla loppuun, niin sitten voi jatkaa lähes mihin vaan, kunhan taidot riittaa. Ja pääsykokeista pääsee läpi. Tai yleensä hyväksytään mihinkään. ...okei, nyt olen hiljaa.

Ajattelin perustaa myös toisen blogin, joka on sitten täynnä pelkästään kirjoituksiani, joita on tässä vuosien varrella tullut rustailtua. ^^ Mutta se on vielä harkinnassa, katsotaan nyt mitä siitäkin sitten tulee. Kohta on muuten kuukausi täynnä siitä, kun aloitin bloggaamisen. <3 Yay! Hurraa huudot sille, että olen jaksanut näinkin kauan keskittyä x'D

perjantai 30. joulukuuta 2011

**KHR! Chapter 367**


Tänään huomasin uusimman Katekyo Hitman Reborn!:n uusimman luvun ilmestyneen :D Kyseessä oli mielestäni ainakin sen verran hyvä luku, että täytyi pistää tännekin päivitys. Joten tästä lähtien lukeminen omalla vastuulla, sillä luvassa on aika paljon spoilereita. Animessahan siis ei päästy läheskään näin pitkälle, missä mangassa nyt mennään.

Voit lukea uusimman luvun joko täältä tai sitten täältä.

Eli luvussahan oli käynnissä toinen taistelu Arcobalenojen kirouksen murtamiseksi. Rebornin ja Yunin tiimit olivat yhdistyneet keskenään, kuten myös Rebornin ja Colonellon. Tsuna ja Byakuran taistelivat juuri sillä hetkellä Mukuron tiimiä vastaan, kun Colonello oli käyttänyt mahdollisuutensa puuttua taisteluun ja muuttunut hetkeksi aikuiseen muotoonsa. Hän tuhosi ampumalla monia Verden ja Yunin tiimissä olevien kelloja. Tsunan isä, Iemitsu, joka kantoi pomon kelloa, käski poikansa joukkoineen häipyä taistelukentältä ja jättää koko juttu heidän huolekseen, mutta Tsuna kieltäytyi. Sen jälkeen Iemitsu sanoi heidän yhteistyönsä olevan lopussa.
Lopussa näytetään, kuinka Hibari astelee hotelliin Fon päänsäpäällä ja törmää siellä Variaan ennen toisten taistelujen alkua.

Ensimmäiseksi on pakko sanoa, että Tsunan isä on helvtin ääliö! >.< Noin vain rikkoo yhteistyön oman poikansa kanssa. Ja varsinkin aiemmissa luvuissa Tsunaa vastaan taistellessaan, miehen pisteet putosivat minun silmissä huimasti! En ennen ajatellut miehen olevan sentään ihan niin huijari, mitä nyt sitten selvisi. :S Mutta Tsuna sanoi ainakin suojelevansa Yunin tiimiä, joten isäukon oli turha luulla saavansa poikaansa pois jaloistaan. Mutta suurin WTF? ilmiö tuli Hibarin kävellessä hirveän hulppeassa hotellissa kuin ei mitään. Ei oikein sopinut mies maisemaan. x'D Mutta myös Varian pisteet laskivat tässä uudessa arkissa, sillä he hakkasivat yksin taistelevan ja paljon heikomman Enman ihan siitä vaan. Ja olisivat menneet pidemmällekin, jollei aika olisi loppunut ja Skull tullut hätiin (Skull'n pisteet taas nousivat). Joten Hibari hoitelee ne kaikki!

Juu, tämä oli sitten minun ensimmäinen niin sanottu arviointi mangaluvusta, että toivottavasti kukaan ei odottanut ainakaan liikoja x'D Vielä ihan pihalla tästä kaikesta ja siitä, mistä tämän blogin pitäisi kertoa. Noh, jospa se sitten joskus selviäisi? Toivoa sopii...

keskiviikko 28. joulukuuta 2011

Box Weapon

Päivitystä cossiasun etenemiseen! Eli siis aion cossata Tsunaa, joko menen johonkin kesällä pidettävään coniin tai otan vaan itsekseni kuvia kotona ja muissa sopivissa paikoissa. Asuun olen siis jo hankkinut kauluspaidan, slipoverin, kravaatin, housut ja kengät. Enää puuttuu peruukki, hanskat (eli kudon itse 27 nyrkkeilyhanskat, joita Tsuna kantaa mukanaan) ja Vongolasormus. Sitten tuli mieleen, että kai sitä täytyy olla laatikkoasekkin. Löysin YT'stä ihan kätevän näköisen videon. Itse sen kuitenkin tekisin, kun ei tähän viitsi hirveästi köyhän ihmisen rahaakaan tuhlata. Ja porukat ei välttämättä tykkäisi siitä ihan kauheesti :S Yksi asia vaan, olen ihan paska ompelukoneen kanssa! Ja kaikkien muidenkin kutimien. Seiskasta saakka olen vältelly kaikkea mikä liittyy käsitöihin.. ja nyt hullu rupean vielä kutomaan lapasia! =_=; Buhuu..

maanantai 26. joulukuuta 2011

Uusi ulkoasu~

Eli päätin vaihtaa koko joulukuun ajan olleen taustan aivan uuteen. Mutta jottei entinen vaivan näköni menisi ihan hukkaan, pistän tähän kuvan näytille edellisestä taustasta.

Joten tällainen oli ihka ensimmäinen tausta täällä :D Juu, tiedän, aika vaaleanpunainen... ja en sitten itse tykkää yhtään vaaleanpunaisesta tai pinkistä. Tulee vaan jotenkin hirveän... tyttömäinen olo? Ja tyttöjähän sitä tässä loppujen lopuksi ollaan x'D Mutta jotenkin olen vaan käytökseltä ja ehkä vähän ulkonäöltäkin poikamainen ja täytyy sanoa, että jätkillä on aika hienoja vaatteita... Hmmm... paljastuksia! :DD Noh, jooh~ That's me, everybody! Blame me!

Mutta tarkemmin ajatellen, mikä sen määrittelee, että tyttöjen täytyisi pukeutua ja näyttää naisellisilta ja poika joka käyttää pinkkiä paitaa, on homo? Ihan tosi, ne on vaan ihmisten luomia stereotypioita joista on enää kovin hankala päästä pois. :S Julma maailma, mutta minkäs teet. Ihminenhän on luonnostaan julma ja kaikkia outouksia karsastetaan. Itsekin haluaisin pukeutua hieman eritavalla, mutta yläasteen takia rupesin pukeutumaan erittäin normaaleihin ja vähän tylsiinkin vaatteisiin. Ja nyt on hankala päästä vanhasta tavasta eroon. (Sen lisäksi olen vaan niin helvetin laiska, etten jaksa aamulla tehdä mitään x'D) Mutta, ihmisethän on kaikki erilaisia, mutta silti katsotaan pitkään, kun joku uskaltaa olla erilainen. Varsinkin tällaisessa pikkukaupungissa jossa minäkin asun ja jossa kaikki tietävät toisensa, katsotaan erittäin pahasti, kun joku uskaltaa olla oma itsensä. Kai kaikkien pitäisi vaan jotenkin sulautua huomaamattomasti massaan ja oleskella siellä piilossa kaikilta. Sama koskee musiikkimakua tai vaikkapa leffamakua. Jos joku tykkää erilaisesta musiikista (kuten nyt vaikka J-musiikista), saa siitä kuulla pian joltain. Entä mitä se haukkuja itse kuuntelee? Jotain massamusaa? Sillä on vaan huono itsetunto! Mutta vaikka kuinka joku sanoisi, että älä niistä välitä, ne on vaan kateellisia jne jne, niin silti se tuntuu pahalta kun kuulee asiasta ja silloin itseluottamuskin pettää. Itselläni kävi juuri niin, en enää ensimmäisen päivän jälkeen uskaltanut käyttää tykkäämiäni vaatteita vaan käperryin kuoreeni ja olin hiljaa seuraavat kolme vuotta... Joten älkää tehkö samaa virhettä kuin minä vaan olkaa omia itsejänne! Kyllä minäkin täältä yritän nousta pikkuhiljaa... =)


Joulu tuli ja meni (tai no, ainakin mein äitin mielestä vielä on joulu, mutta ota siitä sitten selvää) ja erittäin paksusti voidaan... Juu, älä käsitä tota mitenkään väärin, paksusti voidaan vaan, koska suklaata sun muuta jouluruokaa on tullut syötyä ehdottomasti liikaa! Mutta joulukalenteri tuli tänävuonna päätökseen ja ensivuonna meinaan sitten taas pitää sellaista. Kieli tänä vuonna oli valitettavasti englanti, koska aloin alunperinkin pitämään blogia englanniksi kielitaitoani harjoittaakseni. Ja sitten huomasin ettei se suomen kielikään kovin hyvin luonaa, joten nyt ollaan taas tässä. =) Ja jotta tähän tekstiin tulisi jotain tolkkua, pistän jotain järkevää aihetta kehiin~

En väitä tätä mitenkään järkeväksikään, mutta onhan tämäkin jotain x'D Tuli tässä joulutunnelmissa ja pelihuumassa piirrettyä tällainen kuva. Sen pitäisi esittää Hope Esthemeä Final Fantasy XIII'stä. Niin kuin tuolla aikaisemmissa tekseissäkin jo mainitsin niin, rakastuin ihan täysin Hopeen. <3 Vaikka tällä hetkellä Hope onkin ärsyttävä valittaja, joka näkee itsensä dramaattisena uhrina, niin jotenkin vaan ihastuin siihen. :S Noh, kuulemma pitemmälle peliä pelatessa, pojasta pitäisi tulla edes vähän siedettävämpi. Tai ainakin mitä näin yhdestä FFXIII 2 -trailerista, niin Hope on aika siisti aikuisena. :D Pistän sen tuohon alapuolelle. Katsominen omalla vastuulla!

Wehee~ He's hot ;) Tiedän ettei ketään kiinnosta, mutta vieläkin mietityttää pitäisikö pitää tätä blogia suomeksi vai englanniksi.. periaatteessa suomeksi pystyy kertomaan asiat helpommin, mutta sitten taas periaatteessa englanti on kansainvälisempi kieli. Saattaisi vaikka vahingossa löytyä lukijoita muualtakin maailmasta. Ja sen lisäksi ongelmana on aihe. No, aika hyvinhän tämä on painottunut animeen ja mangaan, mutta samaan aikaan tulee tänne jaettua musiikkia ja piirustuksia, sun muuta. Mutta ehkä siitä ei sitten pitäisi ottaa sen isompaa päänvaivaa ja jatkaa vaan kirjoittamista siitä mistä tykkää eniten. :D

Mutta nyt dramaattisempiin uutisiin! Tsuna cossiin hankittu kravaatti on HUKASSA! D: Eikä tällä hetkellä olinpaikasta ole tietoakaan... Eikä mistään tunnu löytyvän hyvän väristä ja kokoista villaliiviä päälle... sekä nämä hiukset! Haluan kasvattaa niitä vanhojen tansseja varten, mutta samaan aikaan haluaisin taas leikata ne lyhyemmiksi, että saisin muotoiltua omista hiuksistani Tsunahiukset. Jos kasvatan, täytyy hankkia jostain peruukki. :// Jep, hankala maailma. 

lauantai 24. joulukuuta 2011

December 24th (Merry X-Mas!!)

Merry Christmas everybody! I'm keeping it short because it's already 3.15 AM... And I'm so freaking tired! Haha~ I got some amazing gifts and so on and I probaply have eaten too much chocolat. Oh no.. my eyes are going to close... I want to sleeeeeeppp.... anyway, have a peaceful christmas night and open many presents and be happy. Ja ne! 

I shared this because I think everyone should watch this one every christmas. The snowman, the real classic of christmas. They air it every christmas in Finland and I'm watching it every time. It has really beautiful and kinda sad story. Have you ever cried while watching The Snowman? Well, it's okay to cry because it's absolutely beautiful story. Anyway, I'm going to sleep. Tomorrow or day after tomorrow I'm going to write this in Finnish. Oh noes~ 

perjantai 23. joulukuuta 2011

December 23rd

Just like yesterday I told about my FF 13 obsession, today I'm going to put a little video of FF. I fell in love with Hope and his looks and with Vanille they are kinda cute~ So that's why I'm sharing this cosplay video of them. Those people look amazing in their customes. Oh, and I'm hopeless with those battle scenes x'D I just don't get it how to fight well. Lol! But I'll survive. 

Tomorrow is christmas eve! :D Finally we can open our presents and then be like *O* Wooo~ Haha. But my advent calendar is almost finished... ;( I wanted to continue this. But maybe next year too! Now I'm going to update this blog normally and with normal talks and so on. And if I find something amazing, I'm going to share it with you. ^^ So it's not over yet, this is only begining. 

torstai 22. joulukuuta 2011

December 22nd

Only two nights left to christmas, everybody. ^^ It's so soon and that means I have to stop my advent calendar. But I'll continue my blog, of course. Only I'm going to write it in Finnish. Maybe that way I can express myself a little better. Sometimes it's hard to tell things in English when you have to tell it longest way. I don't know enough words and so on and that's the problem. And after all words are my kingdom. With them and with drawing I can express myself clear enough. I'm horrible at talking with people so that's the way I can tell about my feelings. I won't even tell my friends everything because I simply just don't know how or then I'm too ashamed. Maybe I think that they would start hating me or will look me weirdly. I know it's a little over board but... I'm just that way. Not clear enough to understand... 

Anyway, today I started to play again Final Fantasy XIII. I once started it but I stopped it short because I was too stupid or slow to clear it x'D But now I got pretty far. I live the characters and the story. I think Hope is cute, though he still is little useless but I kinda can understand his feelings. That's why I like him. Maybe I can see myself at him. Let's hope that Hope will survive and become bravier~ x') 

So today's topic was FF but the video is a song. Once again. Just because I lost my inspiration with videos. But last night when I was just surfing on internet I found this amazing new song by Coldplay ft. Rihanna and the name is Princess of China. Damn, I love that name *O* It sounds so magical. Hint: Listen the song many times and it gets even better! ;)

keskiviikko 21. joulukuuta 2011

December 21st

We are already here? Only three nights to christmas? *O* Oh noes! How time flows so fast~ Uah, now I'm so tired... But I'm glad my holiday started! :D But we had normal school day and after that we had a christmas party of our school which me and my friends held. It's a tradition in our school that first graders organize some parties and so on and second graders make some kind of play or music show or something and third graders just are. :D Haha~ But I'm ready with my duty. I don't have to do this kind of thing anymore. I was too lazy to go to students' party. I feel like speeling right now. But there's one thing that I'm unsure about... I think I'm interested in one guy from our school.. I'm not sure yet but somehow his smile just makes me wonder about how he would smile for me or wouldn't he. Ugh, I don't know, I'm not good with this kind of stuff! And on top of that he is two years older than I am so he's 18 right now... And leaving the school soon. He is going to graduate so it doesn't really matter... right? Okay, I'm gonna stop talking this shit and go on with the point of this message! 

Ok, so today I shared with u an anime opening. It's one of the best openings that I've ever seen or heard. ^^ And it's YUI's Again from Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood. I'm not sure what I'm supposed to talk about it but.. let's just say Brotherhood is much better than the first version of anime because the second one follows the story of the manga nad that's why I think it's the original one. And much better! But you might have a different opinion so don't be mad at me. =) 

But I'm going to tell something about the plot of FMA. So the story is all about the Elric brothers and their life as an legendary and young Fulle Metal Alchemist and as an armor. Edward, older of brothers, had saved his brother's Alphonse's soul and sealed it into the armor. They had tried to revive their mother from death but failed and that's why Al lost his whole body and Ed his hand and leg. He got an automatic limbs and is working as an alchemist to find the Philopher's stone which would revive their previous forms. But that's not so easy after all.  

tiistai 20. joulukuuta 2011

December 20th

And now what comes to this day (of course I'm going to watch Avatar), I have to clean again... that's just from there! It sucks! >___< Nyaaaah! But anyway, if I don't want to turn to baby, I forgot to tell something "important". I bought ProMarkers~ <3 I'm still practicing with them but I think I'm gatching something. After all I understood how I should color some parts and so on. But there's still many problems... for example I have only few colors. I have five skin tones and red, blue, gree, yellow and black. That's all and that's why it's hard to make some nice shadows and highlight parts in my pictures. But maybe later I'm going to buy some new ones. =) Oh and I have also improved with Gimp. I found a new and better way to colorize lineart. It makes the pic look much more professional than my previous coloring style.

I can see myself falling in love with the guy in the picture (Minato from Naruto). He's just so hot... And how someone even can draw something so amazing! >.< I want too. And only with normal pencils. Maybe I should start practicing with 4B or 6B and do something amazing (something horrible in english). Sigh... I want to know how to draw... YOSH! When I'm a good drawer then I can show you some pictures ^_^ Hehe~ Well, if you have enough patience to wait for me... that might take some time...
Oh yes, tomorrow I'm going to serve the food at my school's christmas parties. I'm NOT looking for that... Darn...

December 19th

OH NOES! MY FELLOW FRIENDS~! I didn't have any time to write to this blog yesterday because I was at my friend's and we watched togehter Glee and played Buzz. ^^ Well after all we had so much fun but to tell the truth I was dead tired... -___-' Actually the whole fucking day... Ugh, I need to start to sleep at nights. Why am I always so restless at evenings and nights but at mornigs I just would sleep like a dog! :S But my mum says that I have always been like that. Like from when I was just a little baby and could only cry. Even then I kept awake the whole night and fell asleep at the early morning. That's a little... weird, isn't it? x'D But that's enought of that. Let's move on!

Yesterday I also watched The Last Airbender or Avatar the live action move... and all I have to say: That sucks! Sigh... The animation was so much better or at least I believe it's better! x'D Haha~ Don't worry, nobody can understand me clearly. But anyway, the effects were lame and some actors had weird voices and just didn't look good in their roles. But at least I watched it! And I think I'm going to watch the animated version now. Oops... I still have my homeworks. Nah, who cares! The holiday starts tomorrow and it's a christmas time, babe~ <3

sunnuntai 18. joulukuuta 2011

December 18th

Okay guys, I've lately been reading Naruto once again and then I suddenly recalled one cool official Naruto vs. Sasuke video. It took me a while to find it once again since many people had destroyed it with putting on some annoying and totally wrong song with it. Something like Evanescence or Linkin Park (Don't get me wrong, I still like those bands but that was just too much to handel). So finally I found the original one! Ah, I'm so glad~ Many people say that Naruto is fail or it suck or is gay but not in my opinion. I think Naruto is really teaching and emotional anime with epic fights and characters with weird personalities. For example Guy and Lee. They both rock in their own way x'D But there's one thing I have to complain even in Naruto... TOO MUCH FILLERS! And the new desing of characters is just horrible! I liked the old one more... it looked much more realistic. And that's why I'm still into the manga more. The originals always pwn them all!   

I haven't been watching Naruto for a while but I can still remember how much I cried when Jiraya died everybody finally recognise Naruto as their hero. Those momenz were really something. And the fight against Pain. Though I like manga more but it lacks of something. And that's music. OSTs of anime are just simpy said something to respect.

Okay, maybe now I should go to help my mum with cleaning up. =) I like christmas but... damn this all cleaning and cooking... those things are not for me! But soon it's christmas eve~

lauantai 17. joulukuuta 2011

December 17th

Two steps from Hell is something amazing and different!! Their music sends shivers trought my spine because of its awesomeness. And this was just funny song x'D Close your eyes and let the music take you somewhere else, far away from here. What do you see? I can see a weird madam, maybe that bad teacher from fifth Potter book/movie (sorry, I don't know her name in english but Dolores Pimento is what I mean :D). But she is very selfconfident about something she is going to do. 

Only one week and then it's christmas eve. Wow~ Time flows so fast... I don't know where this month has gone! Wao... Oh, and I was doing christmas shopping... AGAIN! x'D Sorry... 

perjantai 16. joulukuuta 2011

December 16th

I'm in good christmas mood~! Though I have to clean the house... that's borings since my friends are watching movie togehter. But I've already delated this issue too long so I think I've got be nice for my mum even once. At least it's christmas so I don't want to make her unhappy. She already has too much stress with this whole christmas thing. I just don't get it why! I think you can make a good christmas even without too much presents and all this fuss over nothing. Really now... But it's always been like this. Even back then when I was just a little kid so... I'll let her be what she wants to be. =)

This time I decided to share this funny video, again by NigaHiga. I know I already shared one at the very first day of December but this one is new and christmas related. I always laugh for his jokes! I can't understand how he comes up with these crazy ideas! But have a very TeeHee christmas x'D

If you go to YT and watch this video there, you can also find the lyrics for this awesome song~ *hint*

torstai 15. joulukuuta 2011

December 15th

Don't worry, my ideas are not going to end just yet :D I still have plenty of them but sometimes it takes some to figure out what to share today. But I got an idea at school when I was talking with my friends about good bands and singers and one of my friends asked some advices. And them I remembered my favorite band one of my fave songs: 30 seconds to mars ~ Huricane. Other favorite song of mine is The Kill. Those two has been my faves for a while now. But I also like Kings and Queens, Beautiful Lie, This is war and Stranger in a strange land. Actually I like all of their songs. <3 Ah, and Jared Leto is something that makes me swoon. There's  no other singer or actor or even anime/manga character who would me go like this. I think his voice is the reason for this.

Today I made some christmas shopping again x'D And I still don't have anything for my mother :S She is just  so problematic person who went and said to everybody which book she wanted so there's no possibility for me to buy that book anymore cuz my big sister did that already. >.< Well... I just have to come up with something more special, ne~ I was also having a conversation with the head master. It's nothing searious but we were just talking about how school is going and what have I learned. And I like our headmaster. He is quite nice ossan. x') 

keskiviikko 14. joulukuuta 2011

DeCemBer 14tH

Because there must be something crazy in this world :D You're welcome. It's getting even crazier from now on cuz Christmas Holidays are coming soon! WOOHOO! Okay, and now, seariously. Lol, found this vid from my YT home page. ^^ Someone of my friends or subscriptions had commented on this video and well, because I stalk... No I mean, ahem... I'm really interested in world and people. :''3 Haha, I didn't Ctrl + V for this because there was abslotulely nothing. I just opened my computer. ;S But very soon my dear... very soon... 

This guy is weird x'D But I think we all are. Have a crazy day! 

tiistai 13. joulukuuta 2011

December 13th

Have a good Lucia's day =) We in Finland don't celeprate that day really that much but for our "sweet" neighbours it's important thing. If u know what I mean... :''D
I was having fun today at our Red Cross unit's christmas parties. I sang so much different song! SingStar is amazing thing ya know. It brings people together and is fun to spend time with. You can feel the power flow from inside of you when you are singing with all you got. That's the poit in singstar. Having fun, doesn't matter if you are sober or not. ;) Lol! ~ Anyway, today at those partys I understood that I actually like this Dirty Dancer song. One of my friends listened this and then I was like "oh... I've heard this before..." And then I remembered that I had faved this vid once before. I found it from my other channel. But this time it's yaoi so be careful when you are starting to watch. Haha~ Yaoi is one part of me at least.

I know how people make always fun of NaruSasu and so on x') But I have to admit that I like it! <3 It's so smexy after all. But this video doesn't go over 18. *ahem* And we don't talk about my own age... *ahem*

Oh yes and I'm freaking happy and in good mood today!!! I got 8 from my mathematic test!! YATTA! I did it! Before I had 6 but then I retook my test and now I got 8. I'm sooo happy and reliefed right now... I did it... I can't believe... Sigh...

maanantai 12. joulukuuta 2011

Harjoitusta suomeksi =D

Ja koska elämälläni ei ole tämän enempää tarkotusta, aion harjotella kirjottamaan blogia suomeks. x'D Lol! Ja sehän ihan hirveesti harjotusta tarviikin.

Ajattelin jakaa täällä teidän keskuudessa näitä itsepiirtämiä manga/anime kuvia. :D YT:hen on tullut niitä pistettyä ihmisten katseltavaksi, mutta ainakaan vielä ei ole kovin moni niitä kommentoinut. En tosin voi heitä syyttää : / Yksi: Nää ei ole mitään parhaimpia tai kauneimpia. Kaksi: Se julkasija on vaan normaali suomalainen. Kolme: ... jotain jännää x')

Kutenkin tässä on mun ensimmäinen video. Kuvat on suunnilleen vuodesta 2008 tai 2009 (?) ja aina vuoteen 2011. ^^ Enitenhän on tullut piirrettyä kuitenkin tänä vuonna.

Sitten tulee toinen video, missä taisi olla näitä kuvia vallan vuodelta 2011? Ne on jo sitten vähän ihmismäisemmän näkösiä (tai ainakin niin luulen), mutta parannettavaa on yhä vaan.

Kolmannessa videossa olen sitten yrittänyt jo vähän erilaisia väritystyylejä. Esimerkiksi latasin Gimpin ja harjoittelin puuväreillä ja vesiväreillä. Kiitos kuvistuntien aloin vähän innostua eri tekniikoista. :D

Netistä on tullut katottua noita ProMarkereita ja CopyMarkereita. Ne on kyllä äärettömän kalliita, mutta kaipaisin vähän haasteita ;D Sitten pitäis vaan vielä keksiä, mistä rahaa löytäisi. En usko ainakaan, että porkuat maksaisi, koska kyse on vaan tusseista. Ainakin niille on... mulle siinä on kyse vähän enemmästä. Mutta elämä on. Sitten ku joskus tulevaisuudessa sais vielä hyvän työn ja/tai rikkaan miehen (Haha, äidin paras neuvo, minkä on kertonut :D).

December 12th

My advent calendar is in its half ways. =) So that means it's only 12 days to christmas! <3 Yesterday I was singing christmas carols at church with my mother. It's been our habit for a while now ^^ It's really beautiful when a lot of people is growding in the church and singing together the most beautiful christmas carols I know. It has a warm and good feeling.  ~ So that's why in my 12th Advent Calendar update is going to be a one great christmas song: John Lennon ~ Merry X-Mas (War is over). This song has a great meaning in it and it's definitely a classic. <3 Love it, everybody!

I'm soooo sick of this! I mean being sick x'D But at least I know why I have a fever right now. It's because I took an immunisation (sorry, I'm not sure if it's this in english so...) I hate sharp things D: BOOO! Tomorrow it's going to be a "christmas party" of Finnish Red Cross' Youngs Unit. :D We are going to sauna (how it feels like sauna is in all Finnish partys) and eat a lot! (It's not that I don't eat anyway... I think I'm getting fat -__-')

sunnuntai 11. joulukuuta 2011

December 11th

Haudi ~ I'm just telling that I'm going to write this blog in Finnish after my advent calendar is done. And that's why there's some parts that I have already written in my native language. But anyway, I had some problems with choosing this day's ingluding. But yesterday I was surfing all over the blogs and I suddenly found a blog where someone had shared a doujinshi with everyone. So today it's all about doujinshis. For those who don't know the meaning of doujinshi, it means manga art from amateurs. And those amateurs are really good! They have either selfpublished their manga or just uploaded it on internet for everyone to read. For example YT is full of doujinshis. Especially yaoi doujinshis (Mmmm...) but I'm not going to put yaoi. Don't worry if you don't like it. But if you liked and want to see more, just come to my channel (18swan27) and go to my playlists. There's many yaoi manga. ^^

Isn't this sad and beautiful? ;( And the song is really amazing. It's a lullaby after all. Okay, this day is like angst, angst, angst now.x'D But... maybe sometimes it's just good be sentimental idiot. Haha~

lauantai 10. joulukuuta 2011

Girl thinking again

I have been thinking if I should start writing this blog in Finnish once again. It was and still is fun to write in English but I have so much to say and I know that this way I won't get any readers for my blog. Another option is create a new blog only for Finnish things but I don't think I have time or interest to write two blogs same time. My thoughts are the same all the time after all. If I'll put on here a good AMV and then go to another blog, I don't have anything to write or share anymore. ;( That would be hard for me and so on. So I'm going to write this shit in Finnish, put on lists and wish someone'll find this. Lol! That's absolutely hopeless, I think. x'D

So that means I'm going to start writing in Finnish after my Advend Calendar thingy. =) Look forward to it. I bet that way I'm going to get more readers than this way. And here's just so many typos. English isn't my native language afterall. So be understanding my invisible readers (Lol... I'm so hopeless...) and learn to speak FINNISH! (Yeah... I've gone mad...)

Oh btw, today I bought a tie for my Tsuna cosplay  =D Plus I bought shorts (oi oi, it's a winter out there!!) and an eyeliner. :D That last one just doesn't make any sense! x')

December 10th

And someone knows how to draw... D: It's so stunning and beautiful art! I'm in love with all her pictures. It happens so easily and without troubles. I wish I would draw like this too. But practice makes perfect, right? :D Or at least that's what some wise man had said. Let's believe him (or not). Anyway, she has been drawing like from year of 7 and I started... two years ago? o___o Haha... And my practise happened at boring lessons at school. The Chemisrty was the best lesson for that. :D Thank you school I actualy can draw a little.

Wanna see my picture? No? Well, whatever. I'll show it anyway.

These two are my latest pictures I have made. :3 Tyki Mikk from D.Gray-Man (oh, I love him) and Suomi Finland (You know Hetalia? :D) "On maamme armahin Suomenmaa..." x') Okay, sorry, that was random. I'm just a little tired because I have been making christmas shopping with my mother from early morning till late evening... -_- Uh...

If you like my art (what is absolutely impossible) you can find me on DA:

perjantai 9. joulukuuta 2011

December 9th

WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH THESE GUYS!!! They are boys and still look at him! He looks so pretty and cute. That's so unfair. I'm gonna get blue hair too >D Heh, just kidding. I don't have enough courage to do that. But someday I'm gonna get as hot hair as they have! Oh wait... I'm a girl... so is that really okay? Nah, I think it is! And who even cares? I thought about letting my hair grow long but I don't know anymore... I want short hair! It looks cool~  

Oh btw, It's weekend! Finally~ And tomorrow I'm going shopping. Maybe I'll buy some new clothes and change my style to something very different from my present style. :D

torstai 8. joulukuuta 2011

December 8th

It's already the 8th day of December, folks! :D Time flows so fast. Today I decided to put up a cool video of the coolest character of Glee: Kurt! <3 Oh how I love him~ He is so cute and on top of that he is gay. :O I so love him! I found this cool favid from YT with my friend and I was like *O* Anyway, enjoy~

Btw, I had a bad head ache so I stayed home today. :S I don't like it and I'm going to be left behind with school things. Sigh... High School is hard... If you take it seariously. And I also have a mathematics test tomorrow. Or I'm going to retake it... It didn't went well... I had a 6 out of ten so. Ah anyway, I'm gonna kill myself if it won't go well this time. I'm going to read now.

keskiviikko 7. joulukuuta 2011

About cosplay

The title tells it all! This journal is going to be all about cosplaying and what I want to do. Lately I have became interested in cosplaying. There's only one but... I don't have a friend with same interests as mine so I can't ask anyone with me. ;( Well, one of them reads a manga a little but she has made me clear that everyone who is dressed as their favorite anime character is weird. Then I just said that I would like to do it and se was like o______o ? Lol! Yes and not to speak about my other friends... they are even worse.

But I think I'm going to do it alone anyway and hope I'll get some new friends with same interests as mine. Let's hope~ Next con is Desucon Frostbite but it's already ar January so I don't know if I'll make it in time. I mean, get clothes and I would need a wig too. So I should buy it from somewhere... and I don't have any idea from where. I know internet is full of those kind of pages and shops but but... Oh well. Let's continue!

Then I'm going to tell about my cosplay targets. ;) The first one would be Sawada Tsunayoshi from Katekyo Hitman Reborn! His clothes are easy and only hard part is the wig. Again. Where to get it, because I'm not going to cut my hear because of this. -_- Anyway, I think I can get the most of clothes from normal shops and I already have good shoes, pants and shirt. Only a tie and a vest is needed. Oh, don't forget the ring :D He absolutely needs his Vongola ring.

                                         I couldn't find better picture of Tsuna with his clothes on *ahem* x'D

The second choice is Hibari Kyouya from same anime. He is absolutely hot! <3 And my favorite character so I don't see any obstacle to be dressed as him. But I'd like to dress as Tsuna so I can try to find my own Hibari-sama. Haha~ About his costume, I already have the most of the costume parts, only my red shoes won't do. I think I also have a black ones. Then I should use a little my sewing machine and I don't like it O___o And then I don't have any idea where to get tonfas. Oh well, I think I'm going to forget him as my first cosplay.

                                                               Isn't he dreamy? *O*

As the third one I have been thinking about dressing someone from Hetalia, but I think it's still too hard to me. I should start from the bottom not the top. So I'm going to forget it anyway. Then the fourth choice is Gilvert Nightray from Pandora Hearts but he is hard too... I should get a long coat from somewhere, the gun would be cool and a hat :D Everything else is kinda easy, I think. Anyway, going to put a picture here~ Cuz he is hot too. ;)

                                                              Check out the bg~ x'D

And as the fifth one would be Shion or Nezumi from No. 6 (If you haven't watched it yet, WATCH IT! O__O) They are easy. Only some normal clothes and that's it. Then if I dress as Shion, I'll need a white wig. And as Nezumi it would be blue black. As Shion I would need  red contact lenses. I would need them anyway, cuz I have eye galsses. 8D

                                                     They are running awaaaaaay~
                                                     Shion is that white haired guy and Nezumi blue one.

From these options I think I'm going to choose Tsuna after all. He is the easiest one and the cutest too ^^ Not that Shion isn't cute, he is~ But Tsu-kun is close to my heart (Hibari is still closer though...) But I'm going to inform about my progressing. Be stunned~ Ja ne!

December 7th

Lately I have became interested in cosplaying. I want to do it too because it looks like lots of fun. At least all people I have seen doing it look really happy. Why else they would do that anyway? I'm going to write more about it to the new text. Oh and sorry if there's many typos. I'm a little sick right now so I'm not that sure what I'm writing... Anyway, enjoy! This video is funny and these guys know what they are doing. And Sweden sure is musically awkward x'D Nah, not really, they have ABBA~

tiistai 6. joulukuuta 2011

December 6th (Indebendence day!)

Happy Bitrhday Finland 6.12. You are already a 94-year-old country. Well done~ So today I'm going to watch castle's party and celeprate Finland. (oh and sorry for that celeprate, cuz I don't remember is it with 'p' or 'b'). Plus it's free day from school! I don't have to study~ Oh wait... I have an english word test tomorrow... oh noes...

When I first heard this song, I was like WTF?! Alexander Rybak, who is from Norway, has made a song of Finland? :D I think that's so cool! This video really makes me remember why I'm so proud of living in Finland. It's a great country after all. Now I'm going to listen to the newest cd of Nightwish. Bye bye~

maanantai 5. joulukuuta 2011

New Look of YT!

What do you guys think about the new look of YoutTube? Well, in my opinion, it sucks! >.< Seariously, I don't like it at all. Maybe I'm too obsessed with my normal rituals and don't accept anything new but this is just too much. Not that it isn't nice and cool but it's not so practical. I can't see all my subscriptions and the videos everyone has favorited or something. And on top of that I can see everybody's comments and they can see mine. Sometimes I just want to keep my opinion in secret from my YT friends and subscribers. I know, it sounds stubid. After all I'm writing it on YT for everybody to read. But you understand what I mean, right? It just... Oh well..

Sometimes it just feels like I have to write someting unnecesarry so this blog might be just good for me. ^^ And this new YT layout thing isn't really that important. Oh, btw don't change your channel into new layout. It's so impractical! You can't make new backrounds to it anymore... so sad... I wish they won't change channels to it automatically. I'm just fine with the old one. Okay that's enough of this shit. I'm going to do something fun, for example playing the piano. ;) I'm playing christmas songs after all. ~ Ja ne!

December 5th

These guys rock! ~ I'm so in love with this dance crew. They're called Poreotics or Poreotix it debends which one you prefere. I'm not sure when it was but it was held in America not so long ago. :D They took the part of ABDC and won the whole show!! They really are amazing. Just watch this and be amazed by 'em~ ;)

By the way, they are all Asians. Isn't that cool? ^_^

sunnuntai 4. joulukuuta 2011

December 4th

Every day I'm suffeling~ x'D Yeah! This time it's all about LMFAO! Party Rock Anthem. Yesterday was really fun. We were talking, singing, dancing, shopping, watching movie, listening to music, drinking, eating, having a sauna and the most important thing, we were having fun together. ^^ I love them <3 I'm so lucky having those five as my friends~
But anyway, I decided to put on this song today because we were listening to it a lot yesterday. Oh, and this wasn't the only one. Sexy and I know it would be better choise but cuz that music video is a little... *ahem*... sexy? x'D Lol! But anyway, I hope you are having good time too guys. Today I'm in good mood but tomorrow it might be different. I have that fuckin' school... =_="

lauantai 3. joulukuuta 2011

December 3rd

Heya! It's the third day already! I so love keeping this blog in english and adding new things in my christmas calender. No matter if nobody read this. It's sad, but I'll continue until someone gains some interest in my blog and stuff. Anyway, christmas! This time I decided to put the video that I have made, so I wish you like it ;)

Today I'm going to go to celebrate christmas witrh my friends. We're going to wear dresses and high heel shoes and be pretty for a while. Usually I'm not really into party clothes but sometimes it's good to be someone else and let my inner Moony be wild x'D Lol!

perjantai 2. joulukuuta 2011

December 2nd

It's the second day of December, people~ ;) So that means, I'm going to share new YT video with you and this time it's about one of my favorite hobbies: AMV! It's not made by me, but I decided to put it up because of its epicness. x'D Enjoy~

Oh and in addition, the anime is Pandora Hearts. If you haven't watched it yet, watch it! It's cool but ending suck... -_-' If you prefer manga over anime, it's only better. Because the manga has something that many other manga doesn't have. It's epic, creepy, and sad and same time so freaking funny! Try to read it! This author is something else. Anime has ended but manga is still ongoing. Oh, and I do not take any credits of this video, It's made by someone really awesome! *O*

torstai 1. joulukuuta 2011

December 1st

Ensimmäisenä joulukalenterin luukkuna tulee olemaan humoristinen video x'D The first thing in my christmas calender will be humoristic. The Big Bouncing Inflatable Green Ball by nigahiga! Enjoy! ~

Lol! This one is funny as hell x') Wish you like it. So tomorow I'll but something even more amazing on here. Look forward to it. (Haha, and I know no one really will read this, but anyway... oh, and why on earth I'm writing in english? I'm Finn after all x'D)

Hello there~

Tein jo aikaisemmin blogin toisella käyttäjällä, mutta siitä koitui monessakin mielessä ongelmia. Halusin samalla olla Youtubessa, mutta koska olin sitten tehnyt tilin sillä vanhalla sähköposti osoitteella, ei se sitten luonnistunut kunnolla. :) Mutta jos nyt sitten alottaisin. En tosin tiedä kirjoittaisinko englanniksi vai suomeksi, mutta tämä aloitusjuttu tulee nyt omalla äidinkielellä naputeltua. Vaikka olisihan se ihan kiva saada lukijoita ulkomailtakin ja saada kansainvälistä mainetta. Haha! Pitkällä minäkin menen x'D Tällä blogilla ei periaatteessa ole muuta tarkoitusta kuin olla päiväkirjana ja musiikin välittäjänä. Mutta jospa sitä sitten myöhemmin jotain keksisi.