lauantai 12. joulukuuta 2015

Luukku 7 - Muuttumassa japanilaiseksi

Viime päivinä en ole muuta tehnytkään kuin lukenut japania. Toisin sanoen, kyllä, opiskelen tällä hetkellä japanin alkeita ja kyllä, torstaina oli japanin tentti (kirjoitan tätä 13. päivä, koska oon taas myöhässä).

Siksipä tämän päivän luukusta löytyy biisi, joka alkoi yllättäen soida päässä, kun tajusin mitä jotkut sanat siinä tarkoittavat suomeksi. Se on hieno tunne.

She remembered all of his past lives. No one believed her, of course so after being labelled as a crazy person, she stopped telling her story to everyone. They always looked at her like she was something disgusting, beyond help or just pitiful. No, she didn’t need pity. She was also quite sane, thank you. That she remembered her being a massmurderer in the past life didn’t make her a murderer now, too. Or that she used to be a male singer didn’t mean she had to pursue that path now. Nor that she ruled the kingdom or loved adventures meant she had to do so now too. Those were her but still weren’t. She knew everything about those thing, though. Of course since she’d lived those lives. But always, always, she’d died in the end. A bloody death. Every single time. Like she said to everyone, she wasn’t crazy. Only crazy person would try to repeat those mistakes of their past and die the same way. She had gotten many chances to try again and again. She wanted to succeed now. 
By being an author. 

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